Game type: Solo
Game level: Intermediate




All: Phaser


100 (3 hits before tagged out)


Bases: Rapid Fire Upgrade
Hypershield Upgrade
Targets: Points Drop (50)
points Drop (150)
Gates: Red/Green Cycle
Magenta/Blue Cycle

Member Battlesuit

Type: Ammo, Energy
Earns Points? yes


Steal the Juggernaut suit, and become the most powerful player in the arena.

All players start on one team (Green), and spread out into the arena. 
Shortly after the game begins, a small percentage of players are 
randomly selected and changed to Gold team. They are then given a 
special shield upgrade, and the rapid fire bonus. 
Gold players can tag Green players in an effort to defend themselves, 
but if a Green player tags a Gold one, they “steal” the Gold colour. 
The Gold player will switch back to Green and be given their regular 
weapons back, while the Green player will become Gold and become 
more powerful.
The game continues to play until the time limit is reached, the player 
who has earned the most points will win.
Arena Components will use the Delta Tag configuration.